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Photography Question 

Tricia Bennett

How to shoot hanging products and not get shadows

I have made a photography shooting tent and it is working great. The only problem I am having is that I sometimes have to shoot hanging garlands or ornaments and I can't seem to get rid of the shadows on the background. Most of the other products that I have shot come out fine. Any advise would be great. See attached photos for reference.

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April 02, 2007


Please attach those photos, Tricia.

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April 02, 2007


Hi Tricia,

from what I see in your gallery I'd say you need more distance between subject and background, and more light on that background.

BTW, you say you use a 'shooting tent'. I assume that you mean a 'light tent'.
If so, how come there is shadow at all? There shouldn't be ANY!
In your shots, the single shadow suggests that 1) you use only 1 light source, and 2) that you are NOT lighting through the sides of the tent.

To salvage the shots you already did the clone/stamp tool may be helpful.

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April 02, 2007


Tricia Bennett
  Yes I meant to say a light tent. I made a fairly large one out of PVC pipe and fabric, it's about 48" square. I have 2 strobes on each side of the tent and I am also using 2 clip on reflector work lamps with compact florescent bulbs aimed at the background. I guess I need more light on the background or from above? Or my light tent is too big for these small type of products?
I am very proficient in Photoshop, but I have alot of products to shoot, would prefer to not have to touch them up too much.

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April 02, 2007


Again: with a light tent you shouldn't be getting ANY shadows, Tricia! Since there is a shadow anyway, your light tent clearly doesn't diffuse the light enough.
Perhaps that 'fabric' ought to be more opaque/thicker (and you'd need more power to get light through).

And then there's still the fact that there is 1 shadow, which by the laws of physics points to 1 light source. Instead of the 6 you mention...
Something weird going on there.
Are you sure they all provide the same output power? Because it certainly doesn't look like that.

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April 02, 2007

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