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Photography Question 

Justin G.

Any thoughts...

It's been a LONG LONG while since I've been able to shoot (almost a year) and so I shot my sisters kids. It was my first outside shoot with off camera fill flash. I used an AB 800 with softbox for fill. Would you guys mind giving me some helpful critique for the next time I shoot so that I can learn from everything? Thanks.

The long lost Justin.

p.s. they're all in my gallery :-)

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March 18, 2007


Samuel Smith
  hey justin,
what time of day was it?trinity seems to be squinting quite a bit as is isaiah.might be a bit overexposed.

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March 18, 2007


Raymond H. Kemp
  Boy does this bring back memories! I ran around with the RZ-67 for a while, I'm pissed that I sold it!

Anyhow, the images look a bit flat and as Sam pointed out, at least one is a little hot. Tell us a little more about your metering and how you are setting the flash to fill. Also what type of film are you using? I'd like to see a little more punch in the colors.

Love the smile on the boy!


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March 18, 2007


Justin G.
  Thank you guys for responding.

What I did was ... I ran a rough exposure too see what DOF I would need to have been shooting (because the RB only goes to 1/400). Well at 1/400 I had to shoot at f/8. So once I locked in on 1/400 @ f/8, I metered my flash until it was f/8 as well.

Sam, the sun was high, it was maybe 2 or 3 o'clock. Wishing for 5 or 6 but didn't have any other choices with my sister's schedule. I know that would've helped tremendously. My wife was shielding the rays from their face with a reflector, but that only helped so much. Anyways, Raymond for the outside I used Kodak 160VC. It's so hard with those kids (I've shot them before). They have pretty pale skin, and a slight rosiness to them. I didn't even want to use the VC, I wanted to use the NC. Anyways, I had to dial down the saturation in the reds because with the film they looked a tad sunburnt.

Ok thanks guys. Well know that you know the story, do you have any tips on getting more punch in the colors without destroying their young, pale skin? Possibly just aim for a warmer light temp at sunset and get away from the afternoon hours?

Thanks for the tips guys and thanks everyone for the comments!

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March 19, 2007


Raymond H. Kemp
  Remember you just need to "fill" with the flash and not use it to double up the key light which in this case is the sun. If you meter the subject at say f/8 then set the flash for f/11 or f/16. That will give you either a one or two stop difference with the sun and more pleasing look. Also toss a warming filter on the flash will help the pale skin tones.

It seems to me now that the problem was more with your lighting and not so much the film. Be sure to braket a couple of exposures as well.

Hope this helps!


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March 19, 2007


Raymond H. Kemp
  Ooops! I boo booed! To set the flash for -1 -2 stop difference from ambient set it to f/5.6 or f/4 if the metered subject is say f/8. Wasn't paying attention to my numbers!


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March 19, 2007


Todd Bennett
  Hey Justin,

You back in the states now?

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March 19, 2007

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