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Photography Question 


The single-pixel camera

According to the BBC, researchers in the US are developing a single-pixel camera to capture high-quality images without the 'expense' of traditional digital photography. The idea behind such a device is that traditional digital photography is wasteful. Most of the information taken in by the camera is thrown away in the compression process.

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January 18, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  Single "pixel", huh? Interesting technology. I don't think it's ever going to be better then current digital photography for regular photo taking. And it seems pretty useless; for one thing, it has to be converted to pixels anyway in order to be printed or displayed on a computer.

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January 18, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  Anyhow, I would expect flipping a million tiny mirrors would actually take more battery than the small amount used to compute and format a picture from 10MP. I mean, it takes their computer a few minutes to produce a poor quality picture! Granted, it's not refined yet, but obviously a bit of computing needs to be done to turn this pixel/mirror setup into a picture.

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January 18, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  But it's still intriguing and interesting!
It's cool!
(I still don't like how they keep referring to pixels as expensive. (¬_¬) )

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January 18, 2007

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Maybe the way the image is recorded, but lighting & optics of capturing an image are still necessary to get a sharp image. They mentioned jpegs and compression but didn't mention raw format for comparison.
We all know that technology is advancing at a rapid pace but I hope that the average camera phone being able to do what we do is still a few billion years away. I really enjoy having to think about taking a picture in terms of lighting, composition and exposure settings to make my art.
My .02

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January 18, 2007


BetterPhoto Member
  ariel, you're out of turn. Film never made it farther then it did, so what do you expext out of digital. Without PS or other software it wouldn't be that great. If photography was that easy then everyone would be a pro, not the case even with film. If you don't have the eye, you're dead in the water. Some people are good at selling dead water and some give away expensive art for peanuts, thats life - deal with it.

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January 18, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  I beg your pardon?

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January 18, 2007

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