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Photography Question 

Desiree C. Preckwinkle

How do I cut an image from a photo

How would I cut an image of a baby laying down and paste it on to a background of some sort using Photoshop?

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December 29, 2006

- Carlton Ward

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Carlton Ward

Hi Desiree,
I am not a pro at this but will share what I know. Blow the image up where you can comfortably trace around the baby - I use the pen tool but some use the magic wand. With the pen tool click your mouse along the outline all the way around (if you click a wrong spot - hit control-Z to undo your last move) and once you have completed the outline and click your last point to the one you started with - go to the arrow at the right side of the layers palette and in the dropdown box - select "make selection". Another pop up box will appear and select 1 pixel. Now click Select - save as (name this selection).
Then take this layer and copy (control C) and take the image you want to paste it into and paste (control V).
Then you can size the baby image by selecting Transform (control T) which will bring up a selected box around the baby and hold the shift key while grabbing a corner of the selected area and pulling it in or out to get it the size you want. Use the Move tool to position it. You may need to alternate between the 2 to get it the size & place you want it.
Another thing to consider is the color/contrast/lighting of the baby compared to the image you are pasting it on. If the baby is very light and you are pasting onto a darker image - it may not look right. This is something to consider before you do this and you may need to tweak levels or try to get the 2 images to match before even starting this process.
There is also a very good class taught by Jim Zuckerman "Creative Techniques in Photoshop" that gets way deeper than I can get into here. This class is where I learned to do this.
Oh, I am a PC user so the shortcut commands are probably different for Mac. Here is one I did for the class I took. I took the elephant and placed it in the pond, duplicated the image and flipped him upside down to get a reflection and added ripples over the reflection to blend with the water. Now I need to go find some images to play with myself since you have stirred this up for me.
Good Luck Desiree and there may be someone out here in BP land who may have a better way to do this.

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December 31, 2006

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