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Book: Canon EOS Field Guide?

I just bought a Canon EOS Digital Rebel and was wondering if anyone has used the book Canon EOS Digital Rebel Field Guide by Charlotte Lowrie. If so, would you recommend it? Did it just have basic stuff like the owner's manual or was it more of a teaching tool?

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December 28, 2006


Thomas J. Alphenaar
  Probably by now you've read the book, so this information is probably a bit late. I also purchased the book about a year ago, and I found it somewhat helpful, but not my favorite book. For me, it enhanced what the owners manual had in it, and in some cases stated it in simpler terms. I don't have a photography background, so since I've started photographing a lot recently, I read a lot of "how to" books. At this point, my favorite author is Scott Kelby, but he shoots Nikon, I think. Thus, his books are not about Canon cameras. I would recommend Charlotte's book, if you're like me and don't have the luxury of a lot of knowledge in the area of photography and you own the EOS Digital Rebel. Sorry it took this long for me to see your question posted.

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January 28, 2007

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