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Photography Question 

Rafik Ksontini


which criteria are used to judge the best photo?

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December 23, 2006


Mike Rubin
  Regarging the contest,I think it remains a mystery! You will see winners and finalists that you will think are very deserving and then you will see others and wonder how they were selected. All you can do is Post,Enter and Enjoy. There is so much more here than the contests.

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December 23, 2006


Kay Beausoleil
  Rafik, if you go to the menu at the top of the page and hit Contest/Guidelines, that's a start. Studying past winners might help, too.

But as anyone who's ever entered a photography contest knows, there's a large subjective element in judging even with all the good faith in the world on the part of the judges. It's the nature of the beast when you're dealing with something you can't measure mathematically. One sure thing: you can't win if you don't enter!

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December 23, 2006


John P. Sandstedt
  I went so far as to ask directly and was told a decision had been made NOT to discuss the How's and Why's of the judging. It's probably a good thing as there's no good [easy] way to come up with 20 great winners from upwards of 20,000 entries.

Also, it's extremely difficult to view an image on screen. When I just a print, supported in a PSA Print Box, I jump up to get close to many of the entries to better assess them.

Digital compounds the problem. Even if there is a category for digitally altered images, the fact remains that so many of the entries just couldn't have been shot as they're presented. No that the pictures arne't good, they're just not "as taken." And, I don't mean cropping sharpening, etc. I'm talking about that pink elephant.

I concur with Kay that there's a lot of subjective assessment involved. From my perspective, I start at, "Do I like it?"

Then I go for details. Does the image convey a story? Do it express the "decisive moment?" Is contract good [exposure???] Is ther image sharp[except when it's obvious that it's not supposed to be?

I take my hat off to the judges. They have a tough assignment and, generally, present reasonable prize winners. Of course, we all realize the our are the best and really should have won. HA! HA!

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December 24, 2006


Peter W. Marks
  I have to agree with Mike that there is more to BP than contests but it still a mystery to me how the finalists and winners are chose. There are certainly some standout images that grab my attention but even allowing for subjectivity there are others that are mind-numbingly boring. In the "guidelines to contests" it states that creativity is important so how does a head-on macro of a flower rank as creative? Sure it is properly exposed, sure it is in focus, sure it is well lit but it's a bloody dahlia for heaven's sake and it stood perfectly still while all those perameters were attended to. What am I missing?

Have a great day tomorrow!


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December 24, 2006

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