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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How to Shoot a Portfolio

Basically I am a functional Photographer.Now people are asking whether I am doing Portfolio I say Yes but I actually dont Know the technics of portfolio. I will like to attend workshop on portfolio in Mumbai.

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December 04, 2001


John A. Lind
I just saw this posting among the older ones. Wish I had seen it earlier.

A portfolio is a sample of your photographs used to show potential customers the type of photography you do and its quality. Think of your portfolio as a "resume" or "curriculum vitae" of your photography skill and experience.

The portfolios I've seen contain about 10 to 15 of the photographer's best photographs. If the portfolio is being shown for a specific type of work, it will contain the best photographs of that type (i.e. landscape, architecture, or portraits, etc.). Photographs in a portfolio are usually 8x10 inches to 16x20 inches in size. For 35mm I suggest you use no smaller than 8x10 and no larger than 11x16 inches. The prints should be mounted and matted, usually with a plain white mat. Larger prints are easier to see and the person viewing them can judge your abilities better. The mounting and matting helps protect them during handling. Small prints can hide focusing and depth of field flaws too easily, and those that are experienced in looking at portfolios (and judging photographs in art shows) know this. I've seen some of them become suspicious about this if someone presents a small print.

Occasionally a portfolio can be shown by projecting slides, but this is unusual. It's much easier to work with prints.

If you have had any photographs published, include a "tear sheet" containing it. A "tear sheet" is a copy of the page from the magazine on which the photograph appeared. If you are "published" always ensure you receive credit with your name next to the photograph.

Hope this helps you out.

-- John

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February 01, 2002

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