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Photography Question 

Carl W. Warren

purchasing a quality scanner

I,m using film right now and want to purcase a scanner that is good enough for fine art printing any suggetions in this area would be helpful. such as websites,places in this forum to look that kinda of thing.
I,m concerned about cost but would rather shop carefully before making this purchase
thanks carl

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November 26, 2006


robert G. Fately
  Carl, the first question is what size film are you using. For 35MM film, Nikon, Canon and Minolta make some very good CCD scanners with resolutions from 2700dpi to 4000dpi or higher.

For 120/220 rolls, though, there are fewer choices - Nikons ED8000 (I think that's the model) gets good reviews.

The above are specific film scanners (negative or chrome); of course there's the option of going with a flatbed scanner like a new Epson that has the ability to scan flim (by incorporating a light source in the lid so the film is backlit; a regular flatbed scanner won't work).

But if you're really talking about high quality scans for arts-fartst purposes, and don't want to spend $5000-20,000 for a PMT scanner, then the film-specific scanners are probably the way to go.

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November 26, 2006


Carl W. Warren
  bob, thanks for the comments I will check each of those companys for scannners,do you think that 2700 to 4000dpi is enough for submitting work to a stock photo agency?
thanks carl

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November 26, 2006


robert G. Fately
  It certainly should be - short of a drum-scanner (which is in the $20K range) that can do 8000ppi or better these have been the only alternatives available to photographers for a number of years. I believe the Nikons have the highest dynamic range (a measure of the difference between brightest and darkest areas they can read - it's a logarithmic scale so 3.6 is nominal and 4.2 is great) but I have little doubt that the Canons or Minoltas are also capable of excellent files.

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November 26, 2006

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