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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

lens equivalents

When they say that a 28-200 lens is equivalent to a 32-300 in digital format, they are talking about crop (angle of view) size, right? Some people seem to think it refers to an increase in magnification. They thnk that their 2oo mm film lens on their digital cameras is now reaching 300 mm.I am under the impressin that you are only seeing the angle of view from a 300 mm on your 2oo lens. Please clarify this for nor only myself, but others who are being mislead by the lens companies. Thanks, David

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October 08, 2006

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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  Yes it's crop factor and not a telephoto factor. I never really thought that lens companies are misleading, it was more of what people always said in reviews or mainly those that bought one, that it was "just like having one". That kinda got accepted as the description. But it's more of just keeping the center portion of a regular 4x6 instead of the change in magnification and perspective that a longer lens does.

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October 08, 2006

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