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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Denny H. Grizzle Jr.

Q: What do you get when you cross...

a newbie photograher and his first set of prints?

A: A whole heckuva lotta disappointment (and a corny joke :)

Question about Printing
Ok. I made my first set of prints today...and well...i was disappointed. I can see this is gonna be another battle.

The prints look a different color than when its on my screen. ALSO --they are not as sharp and just overall not as crisp and good as the ones I see when I upload on BP and/ or work in PS with them. and some of them do not even come out keepp-able. the "psycho pool" shot I have in my gallery was so blurry and weird looking it was not even decipherable as a pool table. I trashed it :(

Anyone know how to get great prints - that look like the ones on the monitor?
That's all I that a lot? I just want my prints to be as crisp as the photos that I upload.

Thanx anyone and everyone...


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October 07, 2006


Andrew Laverghetta
  Hi Denny,

How different of a color are they? You may want to make sure or find out how to convert to sRGB (assuming you're shooting in AdobeRGB). I would think the colors would normally be generally close. Also, when you look at photos online or anything on your monitor, does it look how you believe it should? The monitor image should be pretty vivid. Do you feel that you have to work with colors a lot when you work on your image? Could you be cropping and downsizing the images and trying to print those smaller images? If you want to print a 4x6 the average size should be 1200x1800 pixels. That fits in line with 4x6 inches with 300 pixels per inch. It looks like you're using, or at least something similar to, the Nikon D70. That should definitly be able to make sharp pics larger than 8x10 if you know what you're doing to even a small degree.

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October 07, 2006

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