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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Stacee R. Webster

Looking for some Advise

I would love to hear from anyone who has some advise regarding a contest worthy photograph. Is there something missing in my photos that I can improve upon? I am always open to both the postive & the negative feedback so please be honest. Thank you.

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October 05, 2006


Stacy L. Robertson
  I think playing with light is an excellent candidate for the Special Effects catagory. The rest of your shots look really good. They tell a story and have nice color. Just my 2 cents!

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October 05, 2006


John P. Sandstedt
  The major problem with contests, especially BP's, is that there are too many entries. In essence every member could enter 30 photos a month.

How are the judges to really evaluate the value of any JPEG image on screen? They just don't have that much time, so the judging must be very subjective - like, "in" or "out" and we'll go through the "ins" a second time.

Every one of us thinks we take great pictures; the fact of the matter is that most of us aren't ruthless enough in our own critiquing and, therefore, enter too many mediocre images and post - post - post away in our galleries. Too many of the critiques provided in the threads just aren't constructive criticisms.

You'd do well to join a camera club that features periodic competitions judged by qualified people. Ar these, the judges provide info on why they like/dislike a picture and what one might do to imrove that shot. And, you'll have the chance to see the work of others side by side with your own.

A computer screen just doesn't do it.

One other thing. Don't rely on Photoshop. Make certain you make the best shot by taking your picture properly [proper exposure (bracket, bracket, bracket;) accurate focus; cropping in camera; use of filters where aprropriate; use of tripod; right time of day [early morning or late afternoon, best;)etc.

Evaluate you final images as prints!!! I can't stress this enough. A computer screen doesn't make it.

Then - enter ONLY your best.

I looked at your gallery; I think the pictures are OK. But -

Too many landscapes are so "huge" that the viewer isn't given a sense of perspective. The horizon of many is too close to the middle of the picture.

Several of the portraits have feet cut off or located just too close to the edge of the picture. Several should be reverse so the eye, which normally moves left to right, is stopped by the person in the picture and not allowed to depart.

Hawaiian Bliss is washed out [overexposed???] Try increasing the saturation.

Cathedral Ruins - ruined by the crazy angle. It also needs a person in the picture, preferably wearing a red shirt.

St Peter's square - a snapshot everyone takes.

Roman Summer - needs to be straightened. Try rotating the image so that the Coliseum's walls are vertical. If the whole picture fils, try the Transform Tool.

Lilies by the Water. Too much water!!

Heavenly Rays. Poor exposure.

Beautiful Coastline. Where is it? This is a picture of a railroad track leading the eye out of the picture.

OK, I'm being VERY HARSH. But that's what you must do if you want to improve your image-making.

And, I agree with Stacy. Palying With Light is terrific, but I'd try a different Title.

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October 06, 2006


Stacee R. Webster
  Thank you very much to everyones advise so far. I will definately take it all into consideration. Look forward to hearing some more feedback!

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October 07, 2006

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