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Photography Question 

Sharon Day

legal question on property release

A local private not-for-profit organization has requested to use a few of my photos by submitting them to a local publication that is doing an article featuring their gardens. There is a unique chapel located on the grounds as well. Does the administrators of the gardens have to provide a property release when they submit my photos to the publication since the organization owns the chapel? Thanks!

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September 22, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  So the non-profit is the subject of the article and it owns or operates both the chapel and the gardens and the non-profit is submitting your work, with your permission, to the publication? Is that it?

If so, then the publication will get them to sign the release if they deem it necessary and the byline should read Photos by Sharon D. CR 2006 courtesy of xyz organization. The "courtesy of" language means the people who have the property submitted the photos which is an implied consent to use the images. Okie dokie?

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September 22, 2006


Sharon Day
  Thanks a lot, Mark! Yes, you have summarized it perfectly They always give me credit. I'm not making money, but at least it's getting my name out. This publication is rather large in our area so just getting published will be a big deal for me. Next time maybe I'll get some money ;)!

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September 22, 2006

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