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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How to develop my own photos

How do I develop my own photos and how much develop and fixer and other do I put into the developing tank? Also how do I use my photo enlarger?

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July 12, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Howdy Taylor. You could fill books with the answers to the questions you asked. In fact, I'll bet if you went to your local library you could find a lot of books on darkroom techniques including how to develop your own film and print your own negatives. Once you do that and you can be a bit more specific in your questions, I'm sure we'd be glad to help you out any time.

Initially however, follow the directions on the packages of developer, stop bath and fixer. Use a thermometer to determine your chemistry temperature and figure out dillutions and processing times based on that temperature using the directions that came with your developer, etc. Use enough chemicals to fill the tank without overflowing it. Don't forget to agitate the tank during processing.

I use developer one-shot then toss it out. If you're saving it for multiple uses, understand how to replenish it to full strength and don't forget to filter it after each use.

Welcome to the party and check out a web site called the Analog Photographers Use Group For photographers who still use film. Like me. ;>) Take it light.

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July 12, 2006

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