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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Filters for B&W Photo

I really enjoy black and white pictures. I would like to know what filter could I use to darken the skin tone of an African American? I would like to use this information to take portrait pictures of my girlfriend looking out a window against a light background.

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October 17, 2001


Jeff S. Kennedy
  Now there's a request I haven't ever heard. You want to darken the skin of an African American. Most people try to lighten it so you can get detail in it and I suspect that is what you really want. The common problem shooting dark skin is that you lose detail in it because other things in the shot are much lighter (like windows) and the film can't handle the contrast. So to answer you question, is there a filter to darken skin? I don't really know. African American skin has red tones in it so a green filter should darken it. But as I said the opposite is usually desired so a red filter may lighten it. Experiment, try both and see what you like.

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October 17, 2001

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