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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

What is the correct way to clean the CCD?

I have been reading everybody's solution to cleaning CCD's. I have called professional photographers and techs. I have had people raise their voices at the mention of canned air, blowers, solutions and things like pens or something called a magic wand.
Is there anyone who professionally cleans digital cameras that will tell us the truth. What is the safest way to clean your CCD without going to a professional?

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June 28, 2006

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  An effective way that I heard of and tried is to use an art paint brush, small size. Use it dry to get dust out of the way. Or if you need to clean with a solution, you can use that methanol based Eclipse stuff. You can add a drop to the paint brush just like the swabs, but they don't have the "specialty item" price mark-up. No pain to use a new one each time. And you don't have to go to a camera store to get one.
But I mostly use it dry. It isn't as often as it said that you need to use a cleaning solution. It really is all about being careful and taking care of the camera. Just keep the outside clean, and keep the lenses clean(outside and around the back part).

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June 28, 2006


Slim Brady
  I have been using Sensponge from Sweden. I haven't had a problem since. Just getting the product is the hard part. 100pk for $4.99

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June 29, 2006


Jerry Frazier
  I buy the sensor pad. It's awesome. Yeah, don't use a blower or anything. You can use an art brush, and spray it with compressed air, it will develop a magnetic charge, then sweep the sensor. This will work 99% of the time. But, when you have to really get the blobs out of there, you need to swipe it with a swab of some sort. Since I shoot wide, I only have to do it about once a year or so.

But, don't worry about it. You are not touching the sensor. You are swiping a clear plastic cover that protects the sensor. So, it's no big deal. You will not damage the sensor. And, if you dmange the plastic thingy, which you wont, you can get it replaced.

Oh, I know, it's called PEC Pad.

Here's a link to it. I use this, and I love it. I was scared to death when I first did it, but the more I do it, the more it's just no big deal.

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June 30, 2006


Oliver Anderson
  Hey Cheryl, I'm fortunate that I live in Irvine CA 1.5 miles from Canon's Service Facility so I get while I wait service. ANyways I've spoken to the techs and they recommend I try this brush to clean the sensor when I'm on the road photographing events. I photograph motorsports and it's always dusty and dirty so cleaning the sensor is something I do twice a day sometimes. The brushes are expensive but well worth the expense.

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June 30, 2006


Oliver Anderson
  Whoops, here is the link.

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June 30, 2006

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