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Photography Question 

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I would like to know can I take professional like pictures with a Poloraid i1032 digatal camera. Its 10 megapixel.

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June 27, 2006


Jason A. Woodcock
  you can take professional like photographs with almost any camera. all a camera does is hold a lens and film or in this age a digital sensor. the camera you use should not me the most important thing it is the creative vision that is the key to good photographs. now with that said with 10 megapixels you should get, with proper technique, very good quality images that can be enlarge and have a lot of detail.

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June 29, 2006


Brendan Knell
  In taking good photos, it's been said, that the lens in front of the camera and the photographer behind it, is more important than the camera itself.

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June 29, 2006


Ariel Lepor
  Megapixels isn't the only thing that makes a shot professional. The others are right, but make sure it has good features like high zoom, good manual controls, it should preferably be a big camera (so you get good DOF), it's lens should be threaded so you can add filters to it, and it should allow for a hotshoe. OR it should be an SLR. I did a search for "Poloraid i1032" and didn't get anything.
Update: The correct spelling is actually "Polaroid i-1032". From what I see, it looks pretty good for point and shoot, but I haven't seen much. Check reviews, specs. etc., and see if it meets the criteria I mentioned. Remember, like the others said, it's the photographer that takes the shots, not the camera. 10MP is good for detail, but that's not going to translate into professional shots.

So, if professional shots is what you need, make sure you read up a lot on photography composition and stuff, and go for an SLR. A low-priced alternative is the Fujifilm S5200 (the camera I use) and I think it's close to the quality you get from an SLR. Don't forget that you will also need specific tools if you want professional shots, like a tripod, a polarizer filter if you want to do landscapes, or macro lenses if you want to photograph flowers or insects.

I hope this helps!


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July 02, 2006

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