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Photography Question 

Ann Kittelsen

close up lens versus 2x converter

I am wondering if anyone is familiar with the canon 250D close up lens and if it would give good results if used on a macro? The same of the 2x converter? If both would work, which would be the better buy for macro work? Thanks,

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June 23, 2006


Pete H
  Hi Ann;

Generally speaking, the consensus is to avoid tele-converters whenever and wherever possible. The reasons are several, but here are a few.

1) Tele-converters eat light! (i.e) you will lose anywhere from 1 to 2 stops.

2) Many of these "thread on" converters are of poor optical quality. Introduced distortions is not what we seek. LOL

If you will be doing a lot of macro work, but a macro lens.

All the best,


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June 23, 2006


Ann Kittelsen
  Oh come on, we love distortions in photos don't we. lol
Thank you for the advice, I have a macro lens and was looking to extend it's macro if I could. Between your advice on the 2x and then some advice I received from someone outside this site about the 250D close up lens, I think I will maybe look into extension tubes. She felt that would be the better bet as the 250d sounds like it would do the same as you are saying the 2x would. I have enough problems without adding more to them. lol
Thank you!

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June 23, 2006


Bob Chance
  Extension tubes would be your best bet Ann. Pete is right about converters, and unless your budget allows for it, pretty much only the top brands are worth it.
Extension tubes will cost you some light too, but nearly as much as a converter.
Canon makes extesion tubes in a 12mm and 25mm flavor. I'm assuming you have one of the EOS cameras either film or digital. These aren't all that cheap either because of the electonic connections for aperature, auto focus and IS.

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June 23, 2006


Ann Kittelsen
  Thanks Bob, I have the Canon Rebel XT and I talked to a photo shop today after reading Pete's response and I think I am going to try the 12mm Canon extension tube and see what I can do. So much to consider with each piece of equipment as far as what it will give versus what it will take away and if it is worth it. I have the book Close Ups in nature and he seems to use extension tubes a fair amount with good results as well, I just thought they would be more expensive then they are so didn't even consider before today. Thanks for your input, very helpful advice from both you and Pete. :)

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June 23, 2006


Bob Chance
  Keep in mind too, that extension tubes don't magnify the focal length of the lens like a converter. Nor do they magnify the image like a close up lens. They simply allow you to focus at a closer distance than your lens would allow without one. You may not notice a marked magnification, it really depends on the focal length of your lens to begin with and how much extension you use. I know that a 25mm tube on my 17-85mm I can actually touch the subject with the front of the lens if I'm using a wide focal length. But it doesn't offer much magnification.

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June 24, 2006


Oliver Anderson
  Bob, you've officially graduated to the IN GROUP and will be receiving your Varsity Letterman Jacket. You just joined and you have about 10X more posts than me and they're actually useful. I do think you could work on you're humor level but maybe that will improve in time.JK

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June 25, 2006


Bob Chance
  Thank you Oliver.
But you must remember, I might be fairly new to this site, joined back in Feburary I beleive. But I'm not new to photography. Back in the eigthties I had more equipment than most people dream about. Rangefinders, 35mm SLR's, medium format both SLR and twin lens and a 4x5 field camera. I not started out making my own color enlargements at home, but moved on to work at a photo lab where I managed the one-hour lab during the day and then did the pro work in the dark room at night.
I've already forgotten more about photography than some people know. I used to be real steeped in the history and the various proceesess from Albumen prints to platinum, daugerotypes (sp?) and tin types. A little weak in the studio department as I never really got into taking pictures of people. I've done some portraits and weddings, but it really isn't my forte. I do eventually want to get some lighting equipment for the occassional portrait, but mostly for still lifes.
I do have a sense of humor, when there is a time for it. But when someone ask a legitimate question that I feel I have something to contribute, I usually stay to the point.

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June 25, 2006

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