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Photography Question 

Lee Bogner

scanning quality 35 mm photos

Hi, How do I set get visually better photos, first on the screen, then on photo printer, when I scan 35 mm shots via my Vissioneer 5300 scanner with Paper Port scanner software? Specifically setting resolution, color, brightness and contrast in order to get closer to digital quality when scanning?
Your assistance is appreciated. Best Regards, Lee Bogner

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October 13, 2001


doug Nelson
  I've used Paperport to organize multipage documents, but never as an imaging program. Many good inexpensive ones exist, Adobe Elements and Paintshop Pro being two highly regarded ones. Install your imaging program. Your scanner should be a Twain source under your Import or Get Picture Menu. First scan at 300 pixels-per-inch, 600 if you want the picture twice as big, but 150 as a minimum. Open your image in the imaging software and tweak is as you want. Tweak brightness and contrast until they look right to you.
Your imaging program will have a screen for sizing the image. Give it the dimensions you want, but leave the file size alone, if you're going to print it. Let the resolution be at least 150 ppi, the closer to 240 you can get, the better.
For the web or to send as an e-mail attachment, your software will convert it to the JPEG mode, and reduce the file size. Your images will look great on screen, because less resolution is needed for that purpose. However, these compressed JPEG's don't print well, if at all.

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October 15, 2001


Lee Bogner
  Thanks Doug this info has been very helpful already. I have accessed my scanner directly from Elements and can see improvement. Two related items, one, can you recommend a scanner glass cleaner?, besides a lint free cloth - possibly some type of liquid cleaner if appropriate and two, what do you recommend to clean finger smudges off 35 mm glossy prints? Thanks again. Regards, Lee

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October 16, 2001


doug Nelson
  Lee, try the soft cloth first. Unless the kids left a melted popsicle on the glass, that should do it. If you want to use a mild ammonia solution, put it on the cloth, never directly on the glass. If fingerprints on prints won't rub off with the cloth, they're part of history (unless someone can offer a solution {grin}). No matter, with Elements, you can clone pixels over fingerprints and any other defects. You'll be amazed how good you can get with practice.

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October 16, 2001

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