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Photography Question 

Ewurama Hayford

my shadpws is ruoning pictures!!!!!!!!!

hello all,
I took some pictures for a couple........ well, more like practice for me, but I realize that I was either having fill flash issues, or myshadow fell directly across the image. this was ard 730 pm.......... but the sun was still high. it was generally difficult - the sun bouncing off the water gave very harsh sunlight, and horrid shadows.can u advise me how to avoid this. im still learning and I know thata rebel is considered a prosumer camera............ it doesnt make me a pro!please dont bash me!!!!!!

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June 14, 2006


Ryan Jones
  Don't worry about what equipment you are using, the camera is the least important element of a good photograph, it is merely a tool to use that helps you create what you want. Water can be a tricky situation and I would suggest investing in a reflector disk to help shade or highlight areas like the face. I use them to block the sun and eliminate squinting or to bounce off the sun and lighten areas under the eyebrow and other indentations in the face. A reflector can provide a much more natural and pleasant look than flash.

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June 14, 2006

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