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Category: Action & Sports Pictures

Photography Question 

Kevin Garnier

General Picture Taking of High School Football

I am a VERY NEW newbie to the wonderful world of photography. I have recently purchased an Olympus Camedia C-211-Z Digital Camera. I've been taking pix of my son playing football. I sit in the stands and zoom the camera to 2X and zoom it a tight as possible. 1) My son is about 1/2" tall in the pix and can't be distinguished from the other members of his team. 2)The lighting isn't the greatest at a high school football field, so the pix come out really dark or really light. Depends on the compensation. I've noticed these same issues when shooting at either night or day, inside or out, etc.

My question: Am I doomed to these types of pix until I learn more about photography? If not, can you give me any ideas? This is my son's first experience in football and would like to capture as many facial grimaces as possible... 8-}


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October 11, 2001


Paul Cramp

1) Sounds like you are quite far away from the pitch where you sit in the stands. Try getting up closer to improve the image of your son. I see from the spec. of your camera the the optical zoom is 3x so try that. DON'T use the optical zoom at all (hint).

2) Rather than let the camera print out the pic straight away, you may find that by downloading the images to a PC you can alter the brightness/contrast with most image editing software. Then send the images back to your camera to print (if that's an option with that camera).

Hope this helps.

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October 17, 2001


Kevin Garnier
  Thank you Paul. I'll review my camera's documentation again and try it out. I've tried to get closer to the action, but both the school and my son don't want me near the bench 8-}

Thank you again,

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October 18, 2001


Dick McCracken
  Dear Kevin,
I have been photgraphing high school football for a number of years, first as an amatuer, and now as a professional. I understand your dilemma!

All I can tell you is that you need to get closer to the action. Ask the coach if he will allow you on the sidelines, and, especially the end zones--that could solve your problem.

The other issus is camera/film. I have not found a digital camera that gives the same results as an SLR. For me, I use 800 ISO film and a Sigma 75-300mm zoom lens, and these are for games played during the day.

The problem I have seen with digitals is that the technology is too slow to really capture the stop action, even close up.

So, I think you are either going to have to get closer, or utilize a larger zoom. Wish I could be more helpful. Good Luck!

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October 25, 2001


Kevin Garnier

Thanks for you input. I appreciate it. I've asked the coach and he agreed that I can take my pix from the endzone at the last game of the season. I hope I can get some good shots.


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October 25, 2001

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