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Tammy L. Odell

Canon 20D and flash problems

Hoping one of you technical genuises can help me out here!!!! I have a Canon 20D, had it just over a year, I use the Sigma EF 500 super DG flash with it. I was shooting a wedding reception the other night and it was outdoors and pitch dark. So my flash was going off nonstop, then I began to notice the flash not going off at all on a few shoots, I checked the battery light and even though it was reading ready, sometimes the flash wouldn't fire. So I go get my backup flash, shoot for a while and then same thing begins to happen. Kinda assumed the flash was just getting too hot or something, luckily I was a the end and it was time to go. I checked the flash next day and it tested just fine and fired fine, just tested it for a few shots. So I get it out to test out a new lens and take a few shots and batteries are good and light is reading charged, so I get a few inconsistant shots where flash doesn't fire. Tried it with backup flash, a couple came out same way. So sitting here wondering if it is flashes or camera. So I get out my 10D backup, take about 15 shots or so and had a couple where flash didn't fire. I have checked settings, shutter is at 1/60th of a second, and light is reading ready and ettl is showing on the lcd of the flash. Now I am totally stumped!! I have cleaned contacts on all hot shoes, remind you this happend with shoe cord on and off, so that is not a problem. What could be going on here. I just sent the 20D to repair a couple of months ago and did the firmware update. Had issues with camera locking up. So a recap, my flash is reading ready and ettl, shutter is at 1/60th sec, and most of the time it works fine, but just wondering if it is a shutter problem, or flash problems or something else. Also, the photos aren't completely black, I really think the shutter is working fine, the photos were just WAY underexposed, but I was indoors where it was very dark. Does anyone have any clue here as to what could be going on, does anyone else ever have issues like this? All this happening right in the middle of wedding season!! Just hoping it will all work fine this coming weekend!!!

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June 01, 2006


Jon Close
  Just guessing, but I'd go with the theory that it shuts itself down when overheated. The manual gives a limit of 15 continuous shots in TTL mode before requiring ~10 minutes to cool. (p. 21).

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June 01, 2006


Tammy L. Odell
  Jon, I so appreciate you responding!! I will read my manual on this matter tonight!!I sure hope that theroy is correct. Now thinking back, this has probably happpened before and I didin't notice it b/c I wasn't outdoors taking photos when it was pitch dark, and there was probably enough ambient light to expose a photo somewhat, just not enough to expose it properly. Also, I don't usually take that many consecutive flash photos w/o pausing somewhat between photos. Thanks so much for your input, now maybe I can sleep better tonight!!!

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June 01, 2006

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