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Photography Question 

Mike Johansen

Nikon 9000 Film Masks

Use the LS9000 and have just had my backorder for a mask replacement item discontinued with B & H.
I only use teh 6 x 4.5 and 6 x 7.
The others are:
6x6, 6x8 & 6x)
I can't/don't those and was wondering if someone would care to swap? I desperately need the 6x4.5
best regards and thanx, Mike

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May 23, 2006


Michael H. Cothran
I belong to a Yahoo group dedicated to owners/users of the Nikon 8000/9000 series scanners. It's an active group, and I received much needed advice and information there when I first purchased my own 9000 a few months ago. You would be better off posting there, I'm sure.
My unit came with no masks. Only a medium format strip carrier, which was really bad, and needed to be modified with some matte glass before I could get edge-to-edge sharpness.
I'm not sure why you need a mask, as I don't need them with my unit, but assuming that you have your reasons, could you not make a 645 mask out of black core matboard, or something similar?

Michael H. Cothran

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May 24, 2006


Mike Johansen
  Thank you Michael for the response. I have upgraded to the glass carrier for med. format. However, the machine (mine and many folks I've talked with) needs that black line seperator in order to have the other 3 frames positioned correctly. (AND I got that tip from someone on the Yahoo site that I too joined. So, new questions and solutions are cropping each day.
These masks are mylar and heavy paper thin. Also, will post same question there.
thanx, mike

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May 24, 2006


Michael H. Cothran
  It has occurred to me that I only scan one medium format image at a time. I've never done multiple images, or tried a film strip, so it could be that my unit would also require the black line separator you refer to.
I do remember now having some sort of masking material that came with my unit, but never really knew what it was for, and as such, have never used it. I also remember the manual not being too clear with instructions on how & when to use it.

Let me ask - if you are scanning a strip of film with multiple frames, would not the black part of the processed transparency film between the frames act as a separator? And if so, when/why would you actually need to use a mask?
Michael H. Cothran

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May 24, 2006


Mike Johansen
  Hi Michael,

Yes, that is the case w/35mm neg. film. Also have to trouble w/slide holder. But there's something in the Nikon set-up that it just somehow does not know where to make the first 'break'. I usually scan a strip of 4 - 6x4.5's and need the mylar strip just to seperate the first frame.
Weird. I'd be interested to see if someone else has scanned 4 at a time too.
best regards, mike johansen

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May 26, 2006

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