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Photography Question 

Andrew Laverghetta

album covers and art

Hey, my question is about releases for shooting photos for music album covers out and about. If I was in a city and I shot against a brick wall or something outside a club/restaurant at night with some lights and such, would I probably need a property release or what would be the issues with shooting around town for a singler's album cover? The subject is obviously the main subject...and possibly using a shot from inside a coffee shop where you're using a table and a very small amount of local id stuff. Obviously I'd like to talk to them somehow before the actual shoot so a release isn't sprung on them when we show up and ask to take some photos then and there. Right now I'm thinking about a sit-down type restaurant that has neon lights outside. I was thinking about having the artist standing outside a car in the parking lot with the lights possibly blurred out in the background and such, as I said, possibly a tightly cropped shot at a coffee house table or maybe sitting outside at a cafe. Would you figure a property release (is that the correct name) would be in order for all of these ideas?

Thanks so much!

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May 15, 2006

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