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Photography Question 

Paul E. DeVol

how can I resize a photo?

  family in Cologne, GM. visiting cathedral
family in Cologne, GM. visiting cathedral
middle of day secondary light

Paul E. DeVol

I am in an environment, in which I can only use the edit icon on the laptop I am assigned to. I have great shots, but cannot seem to reduce them enough to put in a contest. My camera is shooting correctly now,(72dpi) but my older images (300dpi)get too much noise when I attempt to resize.

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May 03, 2006


robert G. Fately
  Paul, what do you mean "only use the edit icon"? What program are you talking about? If you can't access the proper software to edit your shots, then maybe you need to get to another computer...

Meanwhile, the 72 versus 300 dpi thing doesn't make sense. These are arbitrary resolutions related to how you want to output the image. For screen viewing, 72dpi is adequate, but for prints, 300dpi is more appropriate (these numbers are not written in stone - but they will do for now).

Your camera has a chip in it that contains X number of pixels. If you set it to store the images with a 'tag' that says "this is 72dpi" or "this is 300dpi" it makes no difference - the image itself is the same. If you have a 6MP camera with a 2000x3000 CCD, for example, then the bottom edge of the image will have 3000 pixels in it (using round numbers).

That 3000 pixels would equate to a 10 inch wide print at 300 dpi, or a screen-viewable image of almost 42 inches at 72 dpi. If you want to display the 8x10 onscreen, then you could resize the image (in Photoshop Elements, for example, use the resize option) to 576 x720 pixels - that's 8x10 at 72dpi. When you do this, the editing program will "throw out" the extra pixels.

In fact, if you leave the file at 300 dpi and display it onscreen anyway, and the onscreen image you see is about 8x10 inches big, that means that the video driver software effectively threw out those extra pixels. Perhaps that's what's happening when you say the 300dpi shots look grainy - the video driver software is doing a bad job of discarding excess data.

Anyway, without a better description of what exactly you are attempting to do, it's hard to give a better answer...

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May 03, 2006


Paul E. DeVol
Ok, I am currently in an area (military)where I cannot have the luxury of getting another computer. In the photo I sent with this, does it make the requirements for a contest shot? The icon I was refering to is the one on every computer in the world...LOL The only process I can use here is the "Paint" program in Windows XP for my photos. Does this help explain my plight? LOL Thanks-

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May 03, 2006


Paul Tobeck
  If you can download things to your computer without restrictions, Microsoft has an Image Resizing Utility available for Windows XP, and it works pretty well. Go to the Windows XP homepage at and click on the Digital Photography section. It should be listed there in the utilities column.
A big thanks for serving your country and keeping us all here at home safe!

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May 04, 2006


Paul E. DeVol
  Paul T.
Unfortunatley, we have firewalls in the Military...go figure eh'? Thanks though for the help, I will see what else I can try to do with it..

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May 04, 2006 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  I've not tried this, but I *thought* I've read that others have -- doesn't BP provide automatic resizing of your image for you, during upload, if it is "too big" to meet the stated requirements?

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May 04, 2006

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