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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Ring Flash

Interested in buying a ring flash. But it says macro, but seen it used for fashion photography. Can it be used successfully indoor/outdoor, is it useful for only macro shots. Whats the differences and characteristics with a ring flash and a regular flash. Does it produce a shadowless shot indoors, etc. any tips before buying

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September 29, 2001


John A. Lind
As you may be aware already, a ring flash is a flash tube in the shape of a ring that goes around the front of the lens. Its traditional use is for macrophotography at very close distances, and one of its non-traditional uses is for special effect in portraiture/fashion work. It provides extremely direct lighting as on-axis with the lens as possible. Shadow creates subject detail along with a feeling of dimension, and lighting is used or exploited to enhance it. A ring flash tends to eliminate this.

Not that one cannot be used for all manner of photographs. It does create a different "look" which may fit your vision for your work. Some cautions:
(a) red-eye: because it is very nearly on the lens axis, red-eye is very high risk using it for photographing people (or animals).
(b) harshness: ring lighting of people can easily look harsh and may highlight skin flaws.
(c) flatness: the lack of shadow and elimination of it can create a "flat" image that has little feeling of depth to it.
In general, the better method for shadow control (wedding reception and other event photography) is a flash bracket to raise the flash above the camera lens by about 8 to 10 inches, sometimes more, and keep it there, regardless of camera orientation. This keeps shadows of people and objects down and behind them, and places shadows that are visible in a more natural appearing location. In studios, off-camera lighting is most often above on the left and right side of the camera. Exact placement, sometimes with additional reflectors, determines the specific lighting style and it is often not balanced equally. It doesn't eliminate shadow, but is used to control where the shadows are and reduce its contrast.

-- John

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September 29, 2001


Skyy McKendry
  Can you tell me which type of ring light fashion photographers are using? I've always thought it was the type that attaches to the lens for macro photography but was told recently that they are actually lamp heads that cost well over $1,000.00. Can someone clear this up?

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