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Photography Question 

Teri Soares

Media Credentials

I read a couple of threads about the International Freelance Photographer's Organization and the "press pass" documents they provide. Several were proponents in that they gained access to events they would not otherwise have gotten.

The events I want to photograph are local festivals and fairs. Are these purchased "credentials" adequate for such events? I do plan to submit to local newspapers but don't have any media relationships yet.

Has anyone used the National Press Associations? Their annual membership is $85 compared to the IFPO that wants $208 plus $68 for a lifetime membership.

Any comments would be appreciated.



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April 24, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Greetings Teri: I'm a credentialed photojournalist, and have to say the "press pass" materials you get are virtually useless in the real world other than to perhaps impress your friends. I'm also a card carrying member of both American Society of Media Photographers and the National Press Photographers Association. Neither ID will legitimately get me into any event.

In most instances, access to events like concerts, ball games and other sporting events, theater premiers, etc., are controlled by press agents, media coordinators, marketing directors and so forth, who send out one or two tickets per event to publication editors. Sometimes more, depending on the publication or event. Those tickets, especially for photo access, must be used in conjunction with media credentials which is a photo ID (a bad photo, I might add) or a number of photo ID's.

Local festivals or events? You really have to look at what you're saving vs. supporting a local event like that by paying a few bucks admission fee.

On the other hand, if there's an event you really want to cover and you intend to submit the work to local publications, then contact the publicist for the event, TELL them you're not credentialed but what you want to do and see if they'll arrange for you to gain photo access to a that particular event. Depending on the event, the venue, the talent, etc., you may just get it.

Meanwhile, I'd recommend that you nurture a relationship with local paper and magazine editors because you never know where that will take your career. In fact, that's how I started in this biz umpteen years ago with the Chicago Sun Times after a high school internship, essentially with local neighborhood papers there.

Meanwhile, save your dough to buy film and/or pixels. Okie dokie?

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April 24, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Sorry, forgot to mention the issue of using "Press Passes" to cross police and fire lines. Again, the "passes" you mentioned are virtually useless for these purposes. An employee identification card from a legitimate news reporting service like newspaper, magazine, etc., helps in smaller communities.

In most major cities, however, the police and fire departments separately or collectively grant fire/police line access to certain media people that they have cleared in advance and issued separate credentials to, usually including photo ID and auto placards. Still, it's no guarantee you can get through. Whether to allow access across those lines is ultimately a judgment call on the part of the officials at the baricades. Since 9/11, that's become even more the rule rather than the exception.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news :<(

Still, you can get a lot of good shots and good vantage points without media access. But in all honesty, if you're looking for free concert access, just buy a ticket. It's much easier and in the long run, less expensive in terms of time.

Take it light.

Just thought I'd mention that too.

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April 24, 2006

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  I'll add to Teri but don't tell Jackie, that the cases where the "official freelancer" thing works is, say you were the marketing/media relations person for an event/company. You'd be used to getting faxes all the time requesting press pass, etc. Within your usual stack of request, this freelance organization with letterhead is mixed in with all the real papers, magazines, etc. with letterheads. So the request just rides thru with the others.
So if you join, you do have a chance of actually getting to events. But not major events such as nfl playoffs or the like. You're really counting on chance. Your local festival, if your equipment looks impressive to the guy at the gate, you could probably walk up to him and say "I'm with the newspaper".

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April 24, 2006


Samuel Smith
  a little sneakey,eh,mark?but put some gear on with a camera showing and walk in with confidence and?it's not a free ride with me,i give them some photos.
all local.but boy a circulation of 4,000.i'll be famous in the year 2525.
and gregory,right on the mark.
and mrs and mr soares,naaa.
if you pay the admission,and take pictures,offer some photos after the will help to promote the next event.
get to know some people first.
my computer has a headache I get nothing from bp

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April 24, 2006

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