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Photography Question 

Tammy Aurand

Best Lighting for Still Life

Can anyone offer any advice on what lighting is best for indoor still Life? I am doing this for a class and as a project.My instructor suggested getting an aluminum reflector and using 250 W photobulb.I tried using the reflector but not with the photo bulb,instead I used a 100 W Natural Light Standard bulb.My pictures weren't horrable but my lighting was not so great.What can I do to achieve the best lighting to shoot my still life?My still life is on Gardening.My picture has to tell the story of gardening.I am on a tight budget and am trying to use what resources I have available to me.Also I will be doing a Studio portrait and need advice on the lighting for this .What type of film should I use for both ? As far as a background,what does anyone suggest? Needing advice that will be helpful to my questions here. Thanks! Tammy

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March 28, 2006

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