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Photography Question 

JP Slavinsky

Pink/Purple sky when should be blue...

  Why is the sky pink?
Why is the sky pink?
nikon d50, nikkor 18-70mm @ 35mm, f/16, 1/160 sec, iso 800 (unintended setting), protective filter.

JP Slavinsky

I have noticed that in some of my shots parts of the sky take on a pink / purple glow (but not in others). Does anyone have any insight as to what causes this?

Thanks, JP

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March 18, 2006


Bob Cammarata
  Was this taken early or late in the day?
Film and digital sensors are less corrective than our eyes and brain and will pick up subtle nuances we might not notice with the naked eye.

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March 18, 2006


JP Slavinsky
  I took this at about 9:30 this morning.

That's an interesting thought about the camera sensor being better/different than our eyes.

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March 18, 2006


Bob Cammarata
  It's true.
That pink hue is always visible to us along the horizon prior to sunrise (or after sunset) on a clear day but gets less visibly pronounced as the sun rises higher in the sky.
Our brain automatically "corrects" things for us and balances color and contrast.
Our camera sensor (and film) captures what's really there.

To prove the point,...try walking into your house after being outside. Everything will appear normal to you in both lighting conditions.
Then, take a photo outside in the daylight (with a daylight setting on your camera)...then indoors in incandescent light with the same setting and compare what the camera recorded to what you experienced.

Understanding light and trying to predict how your film or sensor will react to it is what makes photography so challenging....and so much fun.


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March 18, 2006

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