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Photography Question 

Michelle Ochoa

Backdrop & prop ideas needed

I'm doing photos at an 8th grade promotion (graduation) dance in June, and was just told the theme is "Time of our Lives". These pictures are posed pictures in the lobby area. Any suggestons on backdrops & props? I was thinking maybe something rustic - sort of like back in time, but am welcome to new suggestions. I don't want to spend too much money - maybe $500 or so; I know some sets can cost upwards of $1500. Thanks!

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March 18, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  So, a kid spends what, 3 years in the same school and all they want you to do is set up in the lobby with a background? That's unique, huh.

OK Michelle, it's time to assert your creative expertise on the people at the school who made this decision. If it's truly "The Time of (their) Lives" then how about photographing them actually HAVING the time of their lives.

My suggestion is take your 500 bucks and drop towards a couple of quality monolights or have you got a pack system? You've got a whole school of sets. Use em. Science labs, libraries, classrooms, auditorium, offices, playground, gymnasium, hallways and lockers, look around and see what else. Then, instead of shooting this all in one day, plan for a few days (depending on how many kids).

Ask the kids to fill out a form checking a box as to what place in the school THEY want to be photographed and then arrange to shoot one or two or maybe three locs on one day, setting appointment times. Even a weekend may be best. That way, you'll save on backgrounds, produce something really unique, and maybe...just maybe, sell more prints. How's that?

Buy a cart at Home Depot to shlep your equipment on or borrow one from their AV department.

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March 18, 2006


Diane Dupuis
  I believe this is the grad "dance" where the boys and girls get all prettied up and have a final party in the gym...

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March 18, 2006


Michelle Ochoa
  EXACTLY Diane. I understand what you mean Mark, but that sounds more like something that would go into the yearbook, then an end of the year momento. This is what they've been doing for years, and I've tried to get them to change it. This is the first time I'll be doing it, but I usually walk through a party, take pictures, and put them into a photo favor of some sort on site. It definitely captures more of the "fun" aspect of the party. But they didn't want to do that. So instead of just sticking them in front of a plain backdrop, I at least wanted to spruse (sp?) it up a bit. Any creative ideas would be appreciated.

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March 18, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Yeah. I thought this was like graduation pix for the year book. Never mind. :>)

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March 19, 2006

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