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Photography Question 

Stephanie M. Stevens

What to put on displayed photos

I am a serious amateur looking to turn pro, and I was thinking about going to new businesses and trying to cut a deal with them where I would provide some free prints for decoration in exchange for free advertising for me. I was thinking maybe putting my business card out on their counter, or having my name and website printed neatly on the corner of the matboard of each photograph, just something to generate a little attention. Would this idea even work, and if I did pull it off, how should I go about getting my name in there somewhere?

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March 15, 2006


Stephanie M. Stevens
  and then should I own the prints and just display them at the business, or should I give them to the business?

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March 15, 2006


Raymond F. Bohac Jr

What you are going to do is done all the time. A lot of local art organizations have what is called "Arts in Public Places" programs. These are set up for local artist and photographers to show their work in local businesses. You get the audience and the business gets free wall art to use for a pre determined time. As for advertising that would be what ever you and the business owner agreed to. Whether it is a card in the corner of a frame or an actual poster. Some businesses will even sell your work for a percentage or fee. In any case it is always good to show your work as often as possible.

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March 15, 2006


Michael H. Cothran
  Yes Stephanie, your idea may work. Sadly though, there are a gazillion other wanna-be-pro's around the country doing the same thing (including me!). Providing your images are at least decent, many new businesses will welcome the offer.

1. If you plan to sell the framed images off the wall (as in "fine art"), you should negotiate a commission with the establishment.
2. Your idea of "giving" them to the business is good. If you do this, then no other compensation should be necessary. I do this often when I photograph in parks, etc. Note - It tends to generate good Karma.
3. If you are merely advertising, as in portraiture, then it would be appropriate to make other compensational agreements with the business.

For fine art photography, you could also consider 'renting' your framed images. Many businesses rent plants. Why not do the same with your photography? Offer a deal where you change out your images every so often (so that they don't get 'stale'), and charge an appropriate monthly rental fee.
Good luck,
Michael H. Cothran

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March 15, 2006


Stephanie M. Stevens
  Thanks guys! You've been very helpful.

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March 15, 2006

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