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Photography Question 

Barbara Hageney

fuzzy pictures for website

I have a jewelry website. I have been taking pictures of new designs. It seems that the jewels with faceted stones come fuzzy but using same setting and lights solid surfaces come clear. I dont know if light is too much or too little. I use 4 halogen 100 and 150 bulbs and I cover lights with cotton covers to cut down on glare. I have an Olympus C770 camera. I set it on P, with halogen light setting. I shot 4X6 size but tried larger size too but did not make a difference.
I am enclosing a few pictures so it probably will explain it better.

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February 21, 2006


robert G. Fately
  Barbara, lighting jewelry is one of the toughest things to do - the pros have upwards of 6 or more lights in their studios with all sorts of snoots and scrims to control the light just so...

That said, without seeing an example of your shots, I can think of two possible issues:

1) the camera just isn't up to the task - you may need better gear. If the lens doesn't have high contrast transmitting glass, for example, the refractions and reflections off the gems could be beyond it's capability. Or, perhaps the lens simply can't focus as close as you need to get for small pieces.

2) your lighting may be (probably is) too overpowering. You may want to investigate some of these small-object light diffusers - a variety of companies offer them - they are essentailly translucent tents of plastic that create a very soft light when you place the light sources on the outside and the subject matter in the inside.

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February 21, 2006


Barbara Hageney
  Again thanks to all for responses. I do have several photo software that I can make some adjustments. but I feel sometimes it makes it muddy. As for small tents, Dora will not fit in the tents unless I really get a big one. I do cover my lamps with screening. I will try to see if my AF is in the center. I think it is. you can see some mistakes.
Does it pay to increase sharpness in camera before I take picture?
thanks again

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February 21, 2006

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