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Photography Question 
- Jyan L. Crayton

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copy right online images

How can I go by copy righting my images online. I've downloaded some images to my new web site and don't want images to be copied. any suggestions.

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February 19, 2006


Craig m. Zacarelli
  almost anything you do can be undone by thieves on line... I wouldnt bother.. it just makes the pics annoying to look at. You can make the files low rez, thats probably the best guard against theft I can think of. water marks can be removed with photoshop and so can copyright marks. You own the rights to the pics as soon as the shutter is pressed..its getting youre due when someone steals them, thats the hard part.

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February 19, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Among other things, you can start by registering your work with the copyright office. Go to to get forms, info and fees for doing so.

I don't necessarily agree with Craig, however in that posting a copyright notice on your web pages doesn't necessarily have to be intrusive with viewing. Also, if you talk to a web designer, there are apparently some new(er) techniques that can be used to spoil would-be infringers.

Take it light.

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February 19, 2006


Craig m. Zacarelli
  I just cant stand looking at pics with a big "C" on them or "proof" written across them..Maybe others dont mind but it bothers me..

Lets face it, anyone with a little PS know how can get rid of any watermark you can put on it. right clik disable? thats a joke, Just like the pics here on our galleries, they arent protected at all. I still say low rez so at least they cant be printed with good results.

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February 20, 2006

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