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Photography Question 


UV photography

Is is possible to determine the UV sensitivity of a digital camera without investing in UV pass filters? I understand many are without being promoted as such in specifications.

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January 31, 2006


Brendan Knell
  Do you mean IR(Infrared) photography? I've never heard of UV(Ultra-Violet, right?) photography. If you do mean IR, then what you can do, is get a TV remote(any remote should work), and go into a dark room. You'll need to set your camera up on a tripod(this isn't absolutly necessary but it helps) and, if you have a DSLR, you'll neet to put the shutter speed on bulb(or a very slow one), if you have a P&S, then you can just look through the LCD screen. Then just point the remote at the lens, and press any button. If you see a dot, then it should work with IR photography.

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January 31, 2006


  Thank you for the idea, but I am looking for UV or Ultraviolet sensitivity, from for wexample a blacklight lamp. A blacklight lamp unfortunately also gives off visible light. I am interested though in determining or photographing its UV intensity using a UV passing filter such as a B&W 403 if I can determine for sure the camera is sensitive to the UV spectrum before I invest in the adapter and filters required.

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February 01, 2006

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