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PhotoShop Effect - B&W with color

Hello, I know I have to take a class in PhotoShop because I am clueless on what to do (except for the very basics). I have been trying and trying to figure out how to make a photo black & white with a few splashes of color (whether it be solid or pastel looking...I'll take anything at this point. LOL). Can anyone let me know step-by-step how to do it? I even tried following book instructions but it's even more confusing....any help would be great!! Thanks!

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January 26, 2006


Craig m. Zacarelli
  in Photo shop open the pic file, make a copy layer, desaturate the copy layer then use the eraser tool and just erase the spots where you want the color to show. the colore from the original layer will then be visible because you "erased" the desaturated layer on top. this is the most time consuming way to do this but its the most easily explained one too!

There are many ways to do this, cut and paste, layer masking.... this is just easier to explain.

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January 26, 2006


  Thanks Craig! I will have to experiment when I get home. Hopefully this works for me because I'm a delinquent when it comes to computer programs! Haha... Thanks for explaining it! This is more simple than I've tried before, so hopefully...

If anyone else has other ways, please explain in case I still can't figure this out. Haha =) Thanks again!

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January 26, 2006


  Any thoughts on how to use pastel-like colors on B&W or Sepia? Sorry to bug ya....

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January 26, 2006


Justin G.
  copy the layer (Ctrl + J) and desaturate it (Ctrl + Shift + U). Now do a levels (Ctrl + L) or curves (Ctrl + M) to add any contrast you may want. Now at the bottom of the layers window you'll see a button that's a black rectangle with a white circle in it. This is the layer mask button. Click this and a new white box will appear in the selected layer (the B&W one). now use the Brush tool (B) with black to erase the areas you want color and then with black to paint it back to black and white. it's like erasing with black and "un-erasing" with the white. you have more control with this than the eraser tool because if you mess up you can just paint it back and start over where as with the eraser if you mess up you can't go back (well you can but PS limits you to 20 times) and if you've clicked more than 20 times you're out of luck and have to start over. Read up on layer-masking in photoshop, it's easily one of the most used tools in PS.

For the pastel I'm confused as to exactly what you mean. If you mean like you want to tint a B&W photo with a pastel blue or something, or Sepia then here's what you do. make a new layer and desaturate it again like you did above. once finished with that, click the new layer button. this will create a new transparent layer on top of the B&W layer. Find the color you want and go a smudge darker than you desire (you'll fix this later) [so if you want pastel blue, find the blue you want and make it slightly darker]. Now fill the new layer with the color you selected (Alt + Bksp). now you should only see the color you selected as it covers up your entire image. Now change the blending mode (above the layers) from Normal to either 'Soft Light' or 'Color'. Lower you opacity until you get the effect you want. For sepia, just selected a brownish/orangish color you want and do the same steps as tinting. good luck. hope I didnt confuse you.

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January 26, 2006


  Thanks Craig! I tried this last night, and yes, although it's time consuming, it worked!! Thank you!

Thanks Justin for your detailed explaination. I didn't have time last night to test this, but I certainly will give it a shot! That way, I can see what works best for me.

Thank you both for your time and help!

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January 27, 2006

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