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Photography Question 

Deb Brown

CS2 help needed please.

Anyone who has Photoshop CS2, could you please look at my last post in my gallery (boy with blonde hair, blue eyes), and give me some suggestions on how I could cover a bruise on the bridge of his nose. He fell down the stairs the night before the shoot. It doesn't look that noticeable on my gallery, but Mom wants to have it blown up pretty large, and I am afraid it will really stand out then. The nose is a bit more tricky with the heal/patch tool because of the shape---I would appreciate any insight. Thanks a bunch!

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January 25, 2006


Deb Brown
  Are there any CS2er's out there?????

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January 25, 2006


David Earls
  This is a tough cloning job.

Obviously, step 1 is to duplicate the image and work on the duplicate.

Select the Clone Stamp tool, set it to a moderate pixel size, maybe 50 pixels to start - you'll have to experiment with this.

Uncheck the Align box, set brush hardness to 0. I would probably set Opacity to about 50% to start.

You want to clone in small steps, selecting an area of the boy's face that's getting the same light as the left side of the nose. I'd start with the left cheek, between the bright highlight and the ear.

Start with the bridge and see if you can clone a blend between the edge of the bruise and the bruise itself. Work in small patches; each time you release the mouse button, the clone tool will start its next clone step with the original pixels you've selected. Do NOT be afraid to click Edit/Undo when you patch in something that doesn't work.

You'll have to experiment with the combination of brush size, stroke length and opacity to get this right. Don't expect to repair this in under half an hour.

With each successful pass - where you get a good blend - save your duplicate image so that if you get to the end and can't match with the tip of the nose you don't have to go all the way back to the beginning.

If you haven't had a lot of experience with the Clone Stamp tool, this could take longer. This would be about 15 minutes of work to an experienced PS2 user; any time beyond that you spend is what's called learning.

Good luck. Please post your finished product so we can see how you did.

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January 25, 2006


Kip T. Berger
Hi Deb,
Wonderful portraiture in your gallery.
I looked at the image in question, and experimented on it in PhotoImpact, wheich is similar to Photoshop. The area was easier for me to touch up using the dogetool, and airbrushing(use eyedropper to get similar skin tone), then slight blur in area. Example is here:

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January 26, 2006


Kip T. Berger
Hi Deb,
Wonderful portraiture in your gallery.
I looked at the image in question, and experimented on it in PhotoImpact, wheich is similar to Photoshop. The area was easier for me to touch up using the dogetool, and airbrushing(use eyedropper to get similar skin tone), then slight blur in area. Example is here:

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January 26, 2006

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