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Using strobe lights with the konica minolta Z2

I have a konica minolta Z2. I am having a problem figuring out what strobe lighting equipment to buy. I am extremely new at this. I am wanting to purchase a set of strobe lights/umbrellas on ebay, but I do not know if my camera is compatible, and if so, how to safely use them without frying my camera. This is what the ad for says about the strobe lights:

" The Master strobe has a guide number of 55 (Main light) and the Slave strobe has GN of 42 (Fill light). BOTH LIGHTS HAS SLAVE SENSOR BUILT IN ALREADY! So You may fire this set with any flash from your camera OR by the 10' PC Sync cord(included)connected to your camera. Or you may fire it with an infrared device.

The umbrellas soften the light to give you a very pleasing wrapping effect. This practically eliminates all ugly shadow.

The A/C swivel adapters provide power to the strobe right from your wall outlet. It connects the lights to the versatile 7 ft. light stands and the umbrellas. You may adjust the swivel for the shooting angle and the height you desire.
The Master strobe can be used as a slave unit also. It has an PC sync adapter for connecting to the camera and has a test button.
Both have a power on/off light and ready light. The recycle time is FAST less than one second. They both have a removable diffuser. You may mount color gels (optional) to give the picture a different mood.

1. Standard sync cord is 10'. Optional 30' sync cord is available.
2. This set comes with two big 36" umbrellas of your choice. If not specific, 2 white umbrellas are the default combination."

Do you know if it is safe for me to purchase the kit for my camera?

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January 14, 2006

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