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Photography Question 

Michelle Watson

Photographic Areas

My son is doing year 10 Photography this semester and as part of his work he has been asked to research career opportunities in various photographic areas.These can be fashion, commercial, wedding, portrait, jounalism, science, sport, forensic, documentation, art novice etc. He needs to provide in his assignment the following;job description, personal requirements, educational & training requirements, employment oppurtunities and any other relevant information. To achieve this he has to ask photographers from at least 4 of the above fields, a series of 10 questions that will supply answers to the areas above. My question is whether there are any photographers out there that are either in or have been in any field of photography would be willing to answer the questions he has to ask?

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August 05, 2001


John A. Lind
I would gladly volunteer, except I'm not a "professional." In other words I don't get paid for my photography and don't have a photography business. Didn't want you to think your question is being ignored.

Aside from looking in the phone book for the obvious studio photographers and local newspapers (photojournalists), here are several other ideas to locate them:
1. If you have a nearby college or university, find out who teaches their photography courses. Many colleges use part-time "adjunct" professors to teach some of the courses who are professionals. Especially junior colleges with adult continuing education classes.
2. If there is a large company near you, call them also. They usually have their own photographer as part of their graphics department. You may have to survive getting shunted arount a little inside the company with several phone calls. Many of them perform industrial and sometimes very specialized scientific photography.

-- John

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August 07, 2001


John A. Lind
Two more came to mind very quickly . . .
3. Your local sheriff or police department should have its own photographers.
4. The local coronor's office would also have forensic photographers.

-- John

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August 07, 2001


Michelle Watson

Thanks for your response. I am using your suggestions and so far I have photographers in the fields of Aerial, Advertising & Fashion, Landscape, Weather and Portraits. The coroners department here in Adelaide were not real responsive to my request but they will think about it. What style of photography are you involved in? What sort of photography do you like taking? Even as a amateur photographer I would still like to get your response to the questions. Is it possible to e-mail you the questions? And where are you from?

Thanks Michelle

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August 07, 2001


John A. Lind
#5 also comes to mind; your local fire department also probably has photographers for fire investigation.

Most of my work is outdoor: landscape, scenic and architectural. I do some nature, including macrophotography, as opportunities present themselves. Like most there is a mix of other photography that includes family reunions, family birthday/wedding, etc. The goal is capturing the essence of a location and whatever activity is occurring there, and to provide a unique view of it that others there might not see. I live in central Indiana.

-- John

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August 07, 2001


Michelle Watson
I have tried to email you the questions but I have had my e-mail sent due to it not being accepted your end. I think I copied it right but I am wondering if the second l is actually a one.I talking about the l after sa. I await your reply via my e-mail address,

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August 08, 2001

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