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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Color washout

Greeting Mike,

What can I do to prevent my outdoor photos from appearing gray & washed out? I generally shoot in cloudy sunlight with 200 ASA Kodak print film. I use several different Nikon cameras in automatic exposure mode.
Can this be processing related?

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August 04, 2001


John A. Lind
It would be good to see a couple of prime examples if at all possible (can you scan any of them?). The reason is there are a myriad of possibilities from your description.

Presuming the film has been exposed properly and developed without error, it can easily be related to how the negatives are printed. The lighting as you have described it can also be the main issue, or possibly a part of what is happening. The lighting you describe will reduce contrast and saturation of bright colors compared to direct, bright sunlight. This can give a feeling you describe as "gray and washed out."

Question 1:
Are the conditions only somewhat cloudy with some defined shadows, or are they overcast enough to eliminate any shadow definition entirely?

Shooting under overcast lacking defined shadows and using the highly diffused, softer pure skylight is sometimes desirable, particularly with outdoor portraiture.

Question 2:
What is the type of subject material you are usually photographing under these conditions?

-- John

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August 04, 2001

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