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Jessica McCollam

Lens Question for Canon 20D

I have the Canon 20D, and my problem is that I seem to be a little shaky. My photos are almost always soft and not as crisp and clear as I like. I have even tried my tripod, and still seem to have that problem most of the time.
I was wondering if I should get a better lens or if anyone has any suggestions for me?
Thank you!:)
HAppy New Year!:)
~Jessica M.

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December 31, 2005


robert G. Fately
  Jessica, perhaps you can point us to an example to see if we can decipher what is making it less sharp than you'd like.

Unsharpness can result from shakiness, as you say, or lack of critical focus, as you imply, or, in a digial SLR, a less sharpened image from the camera.

That is, DSLRs are built with an anti-aliasing filter that covers the CCD chip - this helps smooth out the jaggies, etc., but leads to a certain amount of softening. Thus, manufacturers add the ability to process the image right in the camera, before it gets sent to the memory chip...and this is usually an adjustable setting.

Ergo, it may just be that your 20D is not set to sharpen (enough for you, at least) in-camera - perhaps you can check the manual and see how to go about changing that setting (I'm a Nikon owner, so I haven't a clue on the Canon cameras).

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December 31, 2005


Mike T. Kurlowski
  While certain lenses are sharper than others no lens should be so unsharp that your pictures are soft.

I myself own the 20D and normally use the 70-200 f2.8l and my results are very sharp, but even the 18-55mm lens that comes with the 20D (if you bought the kit) should be sharp.

Perhaps your lens or 20D is mechanically malfunctioning. You can try cleaning the sensor although its improbable that that the sensor would have enough dirt on it to make your photos blurry.

It might be that its not focusing properly, try manually focusing. If that doesnt work, take it to your local camera store and let them take a look at it.


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December 31, 2005


Jessica McCollam
Here are 2 examples.

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December 31, 2005


Jessica McCollam

Jessica McCollam


Jessica McCollam

Here are 2 examples.

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December 31, 2005

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