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Photography Question 

Lisa A. Killian

lighting for studio style portraits

i have a nikon d-70 and would like to do family portraits against a multil color muslim background that I borrowed..i also borrowed a light kit with a main, fill and background lite(hope I don't break them!) I was wondering what the settings should be on my camera, and do I use the speed flash on the camera also..and what settings should that be on...i am just expermenting, but need tons of help..gonna try with my own 3 sons first...please tell me what lights to use!!!!and maybe the distance from subjects...thanks so much

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December 29, 2005


Debby A. Tabb
WOW! you do have a intrest and a passion to try studio type portrait work- thats great!!
the answer to most of this is in thread 1 and again in thread 4 (i belive)of the thread "Studio Portraits".
start with setting the camera at 200/22 f22 and test.
Using the clock as a guide: put your backdrop the backlight then subject at the 12:00 hour- the main between 4-3 and you camera at 6:00 and your fill at 7:00 and test.
*main is about one foot above the subjects head.
*Fill is at eye or lens (camera)level
*backlight is no higher then lower back level.
I do hope this helps

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December 29, 2005


Lisa A. Killian
  Debbie, your wonderful...thank you!!! I take school portraits for a company now, and our light settings is exactley that...will you please also tell me if I need to use the addition speedlight that is optional for the d70 or if the built in lighting is enough since I have the main fill and background light...also you said 200/22..i don't know quite what you mean..i feel that the iso

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December 29, 2005


Debby A. Tabb
  200/22 f22 would be the suggested settings to start as your camera settings.
if the lights have built in slaves then the flash will pop them(how ever, this maybe to much unnessisary light) to use a sync cord with the D70 you need a AS-15 adaptor.
this slides on to the hot shoe of the D70 and allows you a port to sync out of.
here is a AS-15 I found on Ebay:

if you are not in a hurry for one there is one closing in 6 days at 9.00 right now.
go to Ebay/buy/ type in NIKON AS-15/ choose surch in :cameras

i do hope this helps

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December 29, 2005

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