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Photography Question 

Linda Buchanan

Silhouette around a campfire

I am going camping this weekend with our church youth group and have a digital rebel xt. I would like to take some pictures around a campfire. I would like to get a silhouette of my husband lit by the fire and also some shots of the kids faces lit by the fire. How exactly should I do this? Thank you so much, you are all always so helpful.

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November 03, 2005


Nicole Kessel
  Hi Linda. I have never attempted to do this myslef but, I may be able to help.

To get the silhouette shots you would have to expose for the fire light behind them in order to render your subject perfectly dark without overexposing the fire itself. Depending upon how fast your lens is (the min. aperature) I would imagine you would have to use a slower shutter speed on the face shots depending upon how close they are to the light.

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November 03, 2005

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