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Photography Question 

Chris Macer

Sharpness of Uplaoded Images

Hey Guys,

Just recently I've been having some problems with the sharpness of images after uploaded to BP. Maybe I've always had this problem but after having bought better lenses and becoming more familiar with CS2 I have sharper images on my PC before uploading. I was just wondering if anyone would like to share their basic workflow on how to get optimum sharpness here on BP.

Here's an outline of my workflow:
Convert RAW using RSE 2005 - WB, shadow, exposure, contrast adjustments only. I use standard sharpening and export to TIFF.

Open in PS CS2 - make saturation, levels, cropping adjustments etc. Bi-cubic resize down to 500-530 pixels in the short dimension (I have experimented to see if this makes a difference).
Then finally, USM using 20-40, 1.5, 0 threshold.

Save to TIFF and upload to BP.

Does anyone see any problems with this or have suggestions on a better method? It's just annoying as they look great on my PC but not sharp on BP like other peoples. I don't want this to hold me back in the competition. Well thanks to anyone who can offer any suggestions!

Kind regards


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October 24, 2005

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  requires more sharpening than you'd normally do for making a print or just looking at. Since you do it after resizing, try 70 and see.

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October 25, 2005


Chris Macer
  Thanks for the suggestions guys! I haven't had any time to try these suggestions yet, but I will in the very near future. I'll let you know how things pan out. Thanks again :)

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October 26, 2005

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