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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Lindsay M. Jolly

Contest Newbie

This was my first month I was thrilled to be a finalist. Can someone please answer me a few questions?

1. How long before the winners are usually posted? I know it must be super hard to go through all the images but I am just anxious and curious.
2. Does an image have to be a finalist to be a winner or would being a finalist imply that you cannot be a winner with that particular image?
3. Can you re-enter the same picture a second month? And if you do before the finalists are announced does that void the first entry from being selected?

Thanks so much!

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October 21, 2005


Nobu Nagase
  Congratulations on your finalist, Lindsay. Way to go!

1. normally the winners are announced within a couple of days after the finalists are annouced.
2. the winners are selected out of the finalist group.
3. you may enter the same photo in the following month contest any time. That will not void the first entry. However, this is what I have seen in the past..., if it happens to become a winner, i.e., 2nd place and higher, the photo would be excluded from the subsequent contest. If it happens to be a finalist, the photo stays in the contest. (I emphasize that this is from my observation in the past. There is no rules that states so.)

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October 21, 2005

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