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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Alaskan Tips

I am going on an Alaskan cruise and am wondering if anyone has any good tips for me. Anything from what types of lenses are the best, what film to use, to where the best scenic shots can be taken. Thanks in advance.

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June 01, 2001


John A. Lind
Film choice is a very personal one and for most of us it's also very dependent on what types of photographs we will be making. For me, where I'm making the photographs matters very little. The same thing applies to lenses.

Do you normally make scenic photographs? If so:
a. What films have you used in the past and which did you like best?
b. What lenses have you used in the past and which one(s) gave you perspectives that you liked?

Since this is a special trip, think carefully before using a film you have never used before. I avoid using a new film or any piece of equipment for anything critical until I've run at least one test roll of film making non-critical photographs first. (Critical work is that which you cannot easily go back to do over.)

For general photography covering a wide range of possible subject material, I recommend using a general purpose film. Most general photography can be done using a 50mm "standard." Add to that a 24mm or 28mm short wide-angle, and a 100mm or 135mm long lens, and the three can handle nearly anything, unless you are doing something very specialized (macros, complex architectural, etc.) which would require specialized equipment. Don't understimate the utility of a long lens for scenic and landscape. It's not the first one most think of for that use, but it can render a powerful perspective in composing a scenic/landscape.

-- John

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June 06, 2001

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