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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Cristina Navarro

Newborn Pictures - Black Background

Since it's all the rage - how do you get that black background where it seems as if the baby's feet or the mother's hands, etc. are just emerging from the darkness? What type of backdrop is needed for those type of pictures?

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September 19, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Use a light absorbing black background (something that isn't shiny) and place the baby well away from it.

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September 19, 2005


Liza M. Franco

Liza M. Franco

I used a large piece of black fabric and then cut a slit in it. The father remained behind the backdrop and put his arm through the opening. I then had someone assist him in getting the baby positioned. I would advice putting something soft below the baby like a beanbag. I've never had a mishap, but also want to be prepared as babies are squirmy.

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September 19, 2005

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