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Photography Question 

Jeff Dadey

School Photo Borders

I am starting to do some jobs on the side. I have a couple of jobs with Senior Pictures and School Photos. I was wondering if there is any software available to make order forms and if there is anywhere I can get borders for digital picture (i.e. School and theme borders). I also recently purchased a Mitsubishi CP-3020DU Printer. Does anybody use this printer and how do you like it? Eventually I would like to open a studio also. Where would I go to purchase a Professional high-end photo printer, one that can print a digital photo using silver halide?

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September 14, 2005


Chris Scott
  I use ExpressDigital Sports and Event. I know they make a studio version also, but they may only offer now what they call thier Darkroom software, which ties all of the previous versions together. That software sets you up to post everything online, print through an offsite lab or print onsite at events if you want to. That software also comes pre-packaged with a ton of borders, or you can buy a ton more, or even design your own in Photoshop, which is pretty easy. As far as the order forms go, it's all done on the computer, but i'm sure there's a portion on there that does that too, I just dont use it because I post most everything online or print on the spot. Don't know about the printer, I use a Kodak 8500 Dye-Sub, but I'm not very happy with it. Check the software out at Downsides: Price - anywhere from $495-$3995, depending on the version. Bugs - some bugs in the software and the tech support will cost you extra. Cross-Platform Support - if you have a Mac, don't waste your time, they don't ever intend to make a Mac version. (If you do have a mac, try TEPS-X, not as fancy-schmancy, but looks like it works about the same).

for an example of the stock site that you'll get with expressdigital and their subsidiary, PhotoReflect, check out my business site:

Hope this helps!

-Chris Scott

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September 15, 2005


Jeff Dadey
  Thank You Chris,

I had a feeling that a software program for this would be quite expensive.


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September 17, 2005

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