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Photography Question 

Ashley Johnson

Friends and Family Discounts

I'm currently in the process of starting my own photography business. I'm trying to come up with a friends and family discount, but I've been having some trouble. I'm trying to come up with something that will still be worth my time, but will not make my friends and family feel as though I'm taking advantage of them. Any suggestions?

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September 13, 2005


Autumn Hernandez
  I just started my own business so the deal I have extended to family is that I will waive the sitting fee. ($40) Any proofs or enlargements they want will be up to them. This allows me to build my portfolio at the same time. Then, I am handing out referral cards that entitle the bearer to 50% off of a sitting fee, and the referrer to a free 5x7 from their NEXT sitting. That way you are guaranteed return business.

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September 13, 2005


Bobbi S. Tomes
  I make this decision on a person to person basis for any family or friend discount and simply express to them not to quote the price to anyone else because I dont normally give such discounts, and I provide them an envoice with their order that states the actual price , the disscount, and the savings so they can see what a deal they got and know that I am serious about my work and their discount was a big deal. The reson I decide from person to person is because, I may charge, say, my mother only what it directly costs me to order their prints, but I may just give my friends a free sitting fee. Depending on the relationship to the person, you may want to vary the disscount. Many photographers will not give a discount to ANYONE (you have to charge seriously to be taken seriously).

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September 13, 2005


Susana Ms Heide
  I do mostly children's portraits and I've told my sister's in law that I will do ONE FREE sitting fee for each one of their children. After that they pay full price. The reason I did this was because I felt taken advantage of by one of my SILs. She'd gotten me to take their engagement photos, maternity photots, newborn photos, 6 month baby photos and 1 year baby photos ALL FOR FREE! She probably would have gone on like that forever :o) So finally I anounced the new deal at a family gathering. She wasn't happy but I think she will get over it. I'd love to hear what other photogs do! Am I being unreasonable? I should add that living in a tight knit and relatively small community, many people are either relatives or friends! Where does one draw the line??

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September 14, 2005


Autumn Hernandez
  I don't think you're being unreasonable at all. After all, your time is just as valuable as anything else. My free sitting offer is a one time thing also. After all, it is a business, not a free gifting service. Your family should understand that. Mine does. :)

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September 14, 2005

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