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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How to shoot sets without washing out lighting....

I'm new to digital photography, but had been using a 35mm for years. I've never taken any classes before but have always had a good eye for photography. I know what it took for me to get cool pictures with the 35mm at concerts where the stage lighting wasn't washed out.

Now I'm trying to achieve the same thing but with my digital camera. I'm still learning the ins and outs of my camera, an Olympus D425. I would like to eventually get a professional quality camrea but right now I'm on a limited budget and also wanted something around that exact size, it was the best fit.

Anyway, I do set and lighting at my church and would like to keep a portfolio of my work. I took some pictures today and they weren't too bad, but I feel they can be better. The focus seems a bit soft to me in the ones of the main part of the stage itself.

A problem I've found is that when I took pictures of the bench to get the color of the gel on it, I had problems with that as well. I didn't use the flash because, like I said, I want to capture the color of the gels I have put up. I also used the night setting, that seemed to work the best. Only it's a very slow shutter, and well...

What's bothering me the most is the way the camera captured the light at the top, it looks like an aura, which could be cool, but that's not what it looks like when you're in the auditorium looking at the stage.

I'm throwing the one with the bench in for fun. My friend/collegue walked right in front of the camera after I pushed the button. Well being on the night setting, slower shutter and all, I got this cool effect. Just wanted to share this for fun. :)
so yeah, thoughts, tips?

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September 10, 2005

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