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Brandon W. Fearns

Nikon d70 focusing problem


Brandon W. Fearns

I hve been shooting with my d70 for a few months now and it seems I am getting images occasionally that will appear fine on the image review but once transfered to the comp will be slightly out of focus. I dont really know what else to say im fairly sure the autofocus in done focusing and the image seems fine through the viewfinder. I have downloaded the firmware upgrade just in case you were wondering.

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September 09, 2005


Michelle Andersson
  Hey there!

I know you said you've downloaded the firmware. Just checking but did you know about the 2.0 A and B firmware updates?

I have also been fighting with the auto-focus on this camera. I just downloaded the 2.0 a&b firmwares this morning and can't wait to try them out.

That said I've found a nice work around for the auto-focus issue. I find it that has trouble if there's nothing substainal for it to focus on. In the your example shot for example. You'd prolly want his eyelashes in focus. I find that the D70 can't do that. I would have the model open his eyes, press the shutter half way down to focus. Then ask the model to close his eyes and take the shot.

So to sum up, look for something substantial (words, lines, eyes etc.. something that's clearly defined. The camera does horrible with skin for example.) the same distance away from what you want in focus, focus on it, recompose and shoot. I've been getting crystal clear pictures ever since, I started doing this. I think that the auto focus system just isn't as senstive as the one I was used to on my film camera. It takes a bit of getting used to, but with a little practice it becomes like second nature.

I hope this helps!

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September 09, 2005


Brandon W. Fearns
  thank you very much for your response. im fairly sure I have downloaded those updates but ill check and make sure. I will take you advice on focusing on a more clearly defined object. thanks so much for your time.
Brandon Fearns

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September 10, 2005

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