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Photography Question 

Stephanie M. Stevens

what to charge for enlargements

I am shooting my cousin's wedding this weekend. I have researched the business side of wedding photography and I think I have a pretty good handle on it, except for one thing. I am planning to show her 3 1/2 x 5" proofs, and then take care of the enlargements myself. I was thinking I would charge a small fee, but I am not sure how I should do it. Do I take a percentage of the order price, what would be appropriate? Have a set fee based on what she orders or how much the order costs? Keep in mind that I'm not doing anything except uploading to mpix and ordering prints, the fee is only for the time it takes to do this. Any thoughts or other aspects of the business will be appreciated.

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September 07, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  What do you mean you're not doing anything except uploading and ordering prints? You're taking the pictures aren't you? My philosophy on shooting weddings is to never give a discount. I either shoot to make a profit or, in the case of a VERY close relative or friend, I shoot it for free as a wedding present. Even when I have shot for free, I have charged my standard prices for re-prints. If you don't want to make a profit but you don't want to give him/her the prints for free, charge them the cost of the proofs. Then, your labor could be the wedding present.

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September 07, 2005


Stephanie M. Stevens
  Yes I am taking the pictures, and I intend to charge her for that. What I meant when I said I was just uploading and ordering was JUST for enlargements, which would be a seperate charge completely, and the point was that I wasn't developing film myself or anything, there are no expenses on my part involved with ordering prints, the enlargement fee was strictly a charge for my time, the time I would spend making the orders. And I still don't know how I should incorporate the fee into the price of the enlargements, or how much I should charge.

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September 07, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  I am sorry but I misunderstood your question. Guess I should have read a little better. I charge 4 x my cost for enlargements. You may want to give her a better deal or you may not. I know that sounds like a lot of money but I have several thousand dollars worth of equipment that will eventually have to be replaced so the amortization of that must be included in the cost, not to mention all the other costs of running a business. If you are shooting this as a favor, just double the cost. If you eventually do go into the business, increase your rates. Alternately, if you really want to do her a BIG favor, just charge her for the time you spend plus expenses.

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September 07, 2005


Michelle Ross
  Well Stephanie the enlargements wouldn't be possible if you didn't take the pictures so don't think of the fact that all you have invested is your time in ordering them . .. It's hard to price your work but you need to make it worth your while unless she is paying you a nice fee just to shoot it or part of it is a wedding gift, etc. You can't think of the enlargements as just pictures. . .these are her memories that were created just for her and her husband by you . . . they are paying you for that as well.

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September 07, 2005

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